Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cyrano vs. Christian with Love

Between two of the main character from the book, Cyrano de Bergerac, there is a man who is very smart, poise, funny, brave, who goes by the name of Cyrano. On the other hand there is a man who is fit, and very beautiful, and that’s it, which goes by the name of Christian. Between the two of them, they would have been enemies if it wasn’t for there love, Roxane.
Roxane gets treated almost like a princess; she has very high class and is very smart. She usually is with arrogant men, but want something different, which is personality and smartness. Since childhood, Cyrano has been in love with her, and he still is. They are known as cousins, which is a term for friends that have known each other for a while. The one time Cyrano had a chance to meet and talk with Roxanne, it was going perfect. She explained how she was in love with a man but wasn’t sure if he had loved her back. She said all the things that had to do with him, until she mentioned that he was beautiful, and then Cyrano knew she wasn’t talking about him. She finally stated that she was in love with Christian.
Who would have guessed that she would have loved Christian, because Christian himself thinks he has more or an immature mindset. Roxane tells Cyrano to instead of making enemies, but make a friend, and protect Christian and have Christian recite his love fore her in poem. Although Christian doesn’t know how to do that for her, Cyrano is a good cousin and obeys her wish and helps Christian with his love life with Roxane, even though Cyrano is falling head over heels with her as well.
Why didn’t Cyrano just tell Roxane he couldn’t do that because he was in love with her? That is such a huge problem to keep and then be friends with the man that stole your lover. It all just proves that Cyrano really is a wonderful, great guy because he would risk anything for her and anything to make her smile.
In conclusion, Cyrano is a heart filled man and hopefully in the end of the play he will get his wish and soon be the husband of Roxane one day. Although Christian isn’t a bad guy, if he knew how much he loved Roxane, he would tell her the truth in whom I writing the letters and maybe she would love him for being him.

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